It's the usual chant everybody does at the last schooling day of every week, but sadly there's replacement again tomorrow, arrrgghhhh.
Today is the day for YE's Entry Interview. After school, we went to set up our classroom for the event, unbelievably, there are still a few ginas who came to get application forms from us, 15 minutes before the interview =.=
We have given out around 60 forms but only 38 really came and attended the interview. Oh well, since there's less candidates now, there are less competitions and we can go back earlier =D
Ex-YEs Yong Seng, Chien Ming, Victor and Patrick came to support and help us. Teacher advisors Miss Aliza and Miss Tan was accompanied us throughout the whole process. The candidates were also waiting patiently outside the classroom without causing any problems. Many thanks to everyone for their time and cooperation =)
I shot some photos with Aaron's D500 while the interview is going on. It's fun playing with the camera, but i haven't snapped any using my own. As soon as i thought of that, i ran to Miss Aliza's drawer in the staff room with Bear to retrieve our cameras.
Anyway, congratulations to those who have passed the interview.
Here's a list of the relevant names.
Form 3
Cheah Jun Yan
Denzel Chong Jen-Rei
Joseph Ling En Feng
Solomon Kong Zhen Min
Form 4
Alwin Ooi Song Gen
Benjamin Koo Tzer Min
Brian Ooi Say Hock
Chou Zhao Yao
Darren Ooi Junyan
Eng Sin Sern
Foo Guang Ian
Foong Chee Meng
Hor Jia Wei
Ivan Lim Zhi Tao
Koh Qi Xuan
Lee Ting Yi
Lee Well Shen
Leo Wai Kin
Lie Tze Yung
Lim Chu Gen
Lim Ri Yang
Lim Yang Kwang
Lim Yuan Zhang
Neoh Hup Eu
Ng Siang Yaik
Ng Siang Yew
Ong Tze Hern
Ooi Chun Lin
Ooi Kok Thong
Stanley Teoh Sheng Li
The interview was a success, Miss Aliza was very pleased. Especially Form 3s, you should be proud of yourselves as you are able to compete with seniors one year older. This year's gonna be a good year for YE, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ XD
nice one =)